0.8.0 API documentation
- Added texture swizzle support #79
- Added texture memory swizzle support
- Added texture conversion from any uncompressed format to any uncompressed format
- Added texture lod
- Added texture mipmaps generation for uncompressed formats
- Added support for load and store
- Added support for many new formats
- Added sampler 1D, 2D, 3D, array and cube map
- Added sampler texel fetch and texel write
- Added sampler clear
- Added transform algorithm to compute arithmetic between texels
- Added reduce algorithm to compare all texels within an image
- Reordered formats to match Vulkan formats
- Improved OpenGL translation with for multiple profiles: KTX, ES2.0, ES3.0, GL3.2 and GL3.3
- Improved Doxygen documentation
- Fixed PVRTC2 support
- Fixed luminance and alpha translation to OpenGL #56
- Fixed DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8_UNORM_SRGB support #59
- Fixed FORMAT_RGBA8_UNORM DDS loading using DDPF_RGBA mode #60
- Fixed handling of DDS DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS #68
- Fixed images, better matching names and formats #78 #81 #80
- Fixed BC4U and BC5U files generated from MS DDS loader #82
Work in progress:
- Added KMG container support and spec proposal
- Added KTX loading and saving
- Added gli::load for generic file loading, either DDS or KTX files depending on filename extensions
- Added gli::save for generic file saving, either DDS or KTX files depending on filename extensions
- Added texture views using different texture format, including compressed texture formats
- Added fine granularity includes
- Improved API documentation
- Much faster texture comparisons is non optimal cases. (Measured ~21x faster on Intel IVB)
- Explicitly handling of texture targets: fixed various cases of cubemap and texture arrays failing to load with DDS
- Fixed GCC build
- Fixed warnings
- Fixed saved DDS header size on #52
- Updated API documentation
- Fixed link error
- Fixed interface inconsistencies
- Improved clear(), data() and size() performance using caching
- Removed internal dependence to std::fstream
- Added FORMAT_BGRX8_UNORM and FORMAT_BGRX8_SRGB support #48, #43
- Improved FORMAT_RGB8_UNORM loading
- Large refactoring
- Added loading DDS from memory
- Added saving DDS to memory
- Improved DDS coverage for R, RG, RGB and RGBA formats
- Added DDS ASTC, PVRTC, ATC and ETC support
- Added DDS alpha, luminance and alpha luminance support
- Added PVRTC2, ETC2 and EAC formats
- Fixed swizzled RGB channel when reading back a DDS
- Fixed getMask* link error
- Added flip function
- Added level_count function
- Fixed interaction with std::map (#33)
- Added texelFetch and texelWrite functions
- Essencially a rewrite of the library
- Added explicit copies
- Added single memory allocation per texture storage
- Added texture views
- Added texture copies
- Added comparison operators
- Added clear
GLI 2013-03-10
- Added DDS saving
- Fixed GCC build
- Fixed XCode build
GLI 2013-01-28
- Large API refactoring
- Performance improvements at loading: 50x in debug and 50% in release build
- Added texture2DArray
- Added textureCube and textureCubeArray
- Added texture3D
- Added texture1D and texture1DArray
- Improved DDS loading support
GLI 2011-04-05
GLI 2011-02-08
GLI 2010-10-15
GLI 2010-10-01
- Added DDS10 load and store (BC1 - BC7)
- Added extension system
- Added automatic OpenGL texture object creation from file
GLI 2010-09-07
GLI 2010-05-12
GLI 2010-02-15
- Added texelWrite function
- Fixed Visual Studio 2010 warnings
- Added readme.txt and copying.txt
GLI 2010-01-10
- Updated API
- Removed Boost dependency
GLI 2009-09-18
- Fixed DDS loader
- Added RGB8 to DDS loader
- Added component swizzle operation
- Added 32 bits integer components support
- Fixed texel fetch
GLI 2009-03-28
- Added TGA loader
- Added DDS loader
- Added duplicate, crop, partial copy
- Added mipmaps generation.