0.8.2 API documentation
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 clear.hppInclude to copy textures or a subset of either textures
 comparison.hppInclude to use operators to compare whether two textures or images are equal
 convert.hppInclude to copy textures, images or a subset of either textures or an images
 copy.hppInclude to copy textures or a subset of either textures
 duplicate.hppInclude to duplicate textures, images or a subset of either textures or an image
 dx.hppInclude to translate GLI enums to DirectX enums
 file.hppFile helper functions
 filter.hppInclude to use filter enum, to select filtering methods
 format.hppInclude to use the format enum and query properties of formats
 generate_mipmaps.hppInclude to generate mipmaps of textures
 gl.hppInclude to translate GLI enums to OpenGL enums
 gli.hppInclude to include everything in GLI which is not recommendated due to compilation time cost
 image.hppInclude to use images, a representation of a single texture level
 levels.hppInclude to compute the number of mipmaps levels necessary to create a mipmap complete texture
 load.hppInclude to load DDS, KTX or KMG textures from files or memory
 load_dds.hppInclude to load DDS textures from files or memory
 load_kmg.hppInclude to load KMG textures from files or memory
 load_ktx.hppInclude to load KTX textures from files or memory
 make_texture.hppHelper functions to create generic texture
 reduce.hppInclude to perform reduction operations
 sampler.hppInclude to use wrap modes and the sampler base class
 sampler1d.hppInclude to sample 1d textures
 sampler1d_array.hppInclude to sample 1d array textures
 sampler2d.hppInclude to sample 2d textures
 sampler2d_array.hppInclude to sample 2d array textures
 sampler3d.hppInclude to sample 3d textures
 sampler_cube.hppInclude to sample cube map textures
 sampler_cube_array.hppInclude to sample cube map array textures
 save.hppInclude to save DDS, KTX or KMG textures to files or memory
 save_dds.hppInclude to save DDS textures to files or memory
 save_kmg.hppInclude to save KMG textures to files or memory
 save_ktx.hppInclude to save KTX textures to files or memory
 target.hppInclude to use the target enum and query properties of targets
 texture.hppInclude to use generic textures which can represent any texture target but they don't have target specific built-in caches making accesses slower
 texture1d.hppInclude to use 1d textures
 texture1d_array.hppInclude to use 1d array textures
 texture2d.hppInclude to use 2d textures
 texture2d_array.hppInclude to use 2d array textures
 texture3d.hppInclude to use 3d textures
 texture_cube.hppInclude to use cube map textures
 texture_cube_array.hppInclude to use cube map array textures
 transform.hppInclude to perform arithmetic per texel between two textures
 type.hppInclude to use basic GLI types
 view.hppInclude create views of textures, either to isolate a subset or to reinterpret data without memory copy